Air-Row Color Matching Meets Store Decor Standards

“We had a customer approach us and ask if we could create our fans in their corporate color. We had never done that before, but typically with us, our answer was, ‘Yes, we can!’” – Tom Noonan, President
Well-bred Brown. Mouse Gray. Gun Metal Black. These are just a few of the colors we’ve worked with of late to match our fans to building décor for our customers. More and more, our customers want our fans to “blend in” or “compliment” their décor. And, as with everything about our custom products, we can do that!
We’ve been coloring supermarkets and retail stores all across the country this season, painting and powder-coating our fans to match the décor specifications of our customers.
The new color options are customer-driven, according to Air-Row’s president Tom Noonan. “We had a customer approach us and ask if we could create our fans in their corporate color. We had never done that before, but typically with us, our answer was, ‘Yes, we can!’”
Air-Row is now creating fans in color for a number of customers. The powder-coating is custom created for proper color matching. The coating is applied electro-statically and cured under heat to create a hard finish that is tougher than conventional paint.
Says Noonan, “The powder-coating is another value-add we can offer our customers. We realize that retailers work very hard to create a ‘look and feel’ for their stores. We can now create our fans to conform to any specific store design.”