Air-Row Fans
Energy Savings

Air-Row Masters the Science of Destratification

“The fastest growing and most simple energy reduction initiative—for both existing and new build facilities—is thermal destratification, one of the top carbon reducers for any type of building.” – The Carbon Trust, one of the world’s leading authorities on climate protection and sustainability

The key contributor to energy waste in buildings is stratified air, according to the Carbon Trust, an international organization dedicated to energy savings and sustainability. Stratification is a principle of physics. It occurs naturally in buildings as warm air is pushed upwards by much denser cold air. As the air is pushed up, the heating system is triggered for more air. As this cycle continues, layers of hot air are trapped at the ceiling.

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Without destratification technology, the difference in temperature from floor to ceiling in most buildings can be up to 15o. Destratification fans can narrow this differential to as little as 2o. Air-Row destratification fans do what the HVAC system cannot in breaking up these stratified layers of heat, treating that air, and bringing it to the floor to even temperatures through the building.

Destratification saves money. In fact, the Carbon Trust calls thermal destratification the simplest and most effective energy reduction method for both existing and new build facilities. This is because the HVAC system is no longer forced to over-produce and is allowed to cycle down. While most large building HVAC systems are rooftop units that operate on horsepower, our destratification fans use less power than it takes to operate a lightbulb.

The above image illustrates the impact of our fans on air distribution and energy savings. The first image shows the waste in air trapped at the ceiling. In the next image our fans are gathering this trapped air and bringing it to the floor. Finally, the the third image shows the results of destratification, where the temperature has been evened out.