Air-Row Fans
Energy Savings

Air Purification Without Costly Upgrades

Maintaining clean, fresh air is one of the key factors to keeping any space comfortable. Large retailers, manufacturers, and industrial processing plants all benefit from having ventilated and clean air throughout the workday, but oftentimes have HVAC systems that run inefficiently and ineffectively. That is where we come in. Air-Row Fans is a dedicated manufacturer of commercial destratification fans, warehouse ceiling fans, and a variety of air filtration accessories that keep large open spaces comfortable and free of stagnant, dirty air. Using a combination of ventilation, air redistribution, and active air filtration through add-ons like a bipolar ionization system can help you maintain a comfortable work environment without hiking up your energy costs. Here is how it all works.

Destratification Fans for Air Distribution

Warehouses, big-box retailers, industrial processing and manufacturing plants all have one thing in common: They are all exceptionally large spaces with exceptionally tall ceilings. Keeping the air within these spaces evenly distributed and at the ideal ambient temperature can prove to be quite the challenge, as all the hot air tends to end up trapped and stagnant at the ceiling, while the HVAC system is forced to work harder and longer—continuously fighting against dead air. Destratification fans are installed at the ceiling, and actively gather the hot air that rises to the top, and blows it down to the floor. Using negligible amounts of energy to operate, these units are great energy-efficient solutions to overworked HVAC systems.

Bipolar Ionization System and Other Air Filtration Systems

While air redistribution and air ventilation are essential parts of keeping our air clean, if you are looking to eliminate small air particulates and potential airborne diseases, a series of air filtration systems can work. Through the generation of positive and negatively charged ions, bipolar ionization systems can effectively eliminate microscopic diseases particles, including the virus that causes COVID-19. Additional filtration systems installed in conjunction with your HVAC system can help further purify the air, and trap any dust particles or allergens in the air.